Category: Development projects
Date: 2022-10-18

(Libya Up) is an innovative project aimed at enhancing the competitiveness of Libyan Universities through the establishment of Technology Transfer Offices
This project has been selected under the Erasmus+ Programme Call ‘Joint Projects’. Its goal is to support Libyan Universities, their researchers and students to become more known in the research and innovation spheres.
In addition, the project aims to improve Libyan HEIs` role for the economic and social development of the country. The specific objective is to enhance HEIs specific capacities to connect academia and research activities to the labor market and civil society trough the establishment of TTOs -
Technology Transfer Offices. HEIs in Libya need support, on the one hand, in improving their internal organizational capacity and on the other hand, in networking and coordinating to gain international visibility and to maximize the impact of their work. They have to play a stronger role in order to be active actors and to promote innovation processes. Actually, there are several universities with a high level in academic community that could revolutionize process by exploiting research results. The Technological Transfer Office represents the academic window on the market, it will give visibility to ideas and researches of the Libyan Universities giving them a role in the promotion of innovation and creativity, enhancement of social dialogue and accompaniment of youth to labor market. Thus, the present project, after a thorough analysis of the legal, social and economic situation of Libya, as well as of the level and the potentialities of scientific and technological research in the Universities, will be aimed at developing a complete and updated academic system on the subject of the valorization and exploitation of the academic research results.