IBTIKAR Project | Promoting Research and Innovation Environment in the Libyan Higher Education System

Category: Development projects
Date: 2022-09-16

IBTIKAR Project | Promoting Research and Innovation Environment in the Libyan Higher Education System

IBTIKAR is a national project that aims at: – Increasing the production of joint high-quality research through a new class of thinkers able to cope with the local and global challenges, solving community problems and impacting on the socio-economic growth in Libya- Enforcing the role of Libyan universities and promote the quality and quantity of researches, so as to make a transition within the multidimensional targets of sustainability IBTIKAR project will deploy different research methodologies based on participative, collaborative and tailored approaches in which the knowledge is built thanks to different techniques useful to develop training and capacity building actions for the Libyan Universities:- A vertical CB action (ToT) where EU train Libyan Partners on the basic skills required to run research on the basis of the designed model.- A horizontal CB action, where Libyan Academic and Administrative staff from the more advanced Libyan Universities train the staff from other Libyan Universities.
The aim of the project is to increase the production of joint high-quality research through a new class of thinkers able to cope with the local and global challenges, who will contribute to solve community problems and impact on the socio-economic growth in Libya.
The specific objective is to enhance the research capabilities of Libyan HEIs by increasing the competencies and skills of their academic and administrative staff and develop the networking among Libyan Academic institutions and with EU HEI’s and research centers.