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(PAgES)Post- crisis journalism in Post- crisis Libya

التصنيف: المشاريع التطويرية
التاريخ: 2023-01-19

(PAgES)Post- crisis journalism in Post- crisis Libya

PAgES aim at contributing to the modernization of the HE in Libya through a bottom-up
approach for the design and pilot of a Master Course in Cross-Media Journalism. The Master
targets young people studying communication and young professionals, who wish to
specialize in the strategic field of digital journalism. The Master Course will be designed by
means of a participatory approach, involving teachers from the EU and Libya, students and
journalists. Teachers will be provided with the required skills for the delivery of the Master
Course through a set of CB initiatives: online Repository for Training Faculty, online Space for
discussion and study visits at two EU universities. The length of the Master Course is of 2
years (120 ECTS), and it will be taught in English. The aim of the project is to promote a local
expertise, and we expect the Master to be held in all Libyan Universities. The first year will
be piloted during the lifetime of the project.
Involvement of academics, students and stakeholders. The implementation of the project
will be carried out through a constant involvement of target groups. An active role of the
target group, composed by EU and Libyan teachers and journalists, is envisaged since the
inception phase and will go on all over its duration. The target group will have a relevant role
in the design of the Master and will participate to study visits in Europe. Stakeholders will
play a key role in the exploitation phase as they will participate to meetings with partners.
Libyan stakeholders will play a pivotal role for the design of the Master and the sustainability
of the project.

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